20 November 2009

Prayer For Dealing With Difficult People

You wouldn't think working at a library is stressful, right?  Especially for a confirmed book (and list!) lover?  Ha!  My current job is dealing with "Overdues."  This catchall description includes not only items that people have failed to return on time (or never at all), but also items (books, DVDs, talking books, games, children's kits...) that are returned with a.) damage or b.) parts missing.  This includes dealing with said patrons [oops, sorry, we're suppose to call them "customers" (sorry, I have a hang-up with this term - we're a non-profit public library, not a retail store), but anyway...], who may get a little...difficult.  (The especially annoying ones are those that dig in their heels over a [gasp!] .30 cent fine.)

To make a long story short (and plus I have to get ready to go to said work extremely soon), I've unofficially (always...sometimes...occasionally) tried to remind myself what this prayer states.  Now I just have to do some memorization... ;-)

Blessed be,

----- )O( -----

Thou art Goddess, thou art God,
I greet you from a place of love.
I will honour us both.
We breathe the same air, feel the same pains,
Do our best with what we know.
I will honour us both,
Thou art Goddess, thou art God.
As am I, as we are All.

Source: Garnet's Book of Shadows blog, "Dealing with difficult people" entry dated November 19, 2007
Original Source:  may have been from Dianne Sylvan's The circle within

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